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Seeing Others is a series inspired by the inauthentic way the media portrays people through advertisements.

I wanted to capture everyday people passing by these images to show the many kinds of interactions that can occur. 


I shot these images outdoors, in areas where I could find many commercial images of people, such as Queen Street West and Yonge Street. I aimed to make sure my photos were simply catching people going about their business in a natural way, by not directing them, and by not using any post production techniques to change their appearance.


My goals are to show some of the contrast between real people, and the images of people we are bombarded with every day. The fact of the matter is, we can try to ignore these images as much as we please but they are still always going to be there, not only in the billboards on the streets, but in all forms of the media.


I want to encourage people to consider the difference between this false, posed, narrow, and all around unachievable standard, and the real, natural, and more diverse beauty that actually exists all around us. 



I'm Shawna Laing, and I like to make art. For me, photography is a tool of self expression. I use it to capture the relationships and narratives that naturally take place in the world around me.  I aim to evoke contemplation and appreciation for everyday aspects of life.



                                  Located in Canada

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